Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Floral Necromancy

Here's a random little tale for ya! It all started about 4 days ago.
I was casually sitting and admiring my lovely new living room, when I noticed this pot of flowers sitting on the coffee table!

"Well this is rather exciting," I thought. "I've never had flowers in my living room before!"

I gave them a sniff and smiled at them for a bit. It made me appreciate how something so simple can feel so welcoming.

Anyway, I didn't really think about them for a few days. But then, out of the blue...

They were DYING! D:

Or dead, or something. They were all leaning over at the stem anyway; limp and lifeless. I knew it was too late. I had messed up!

"OH Ingrid! Flowers need WATER! You should know this. You were raised by a horticulturalist and everything..." >_< 

But nevertheless, as a gesture of respect for the warmth and colour they brought to my living room, I rushed over to feed them some water. When I woke up the next morning the last thing I expected to see was this...


All except for one anyway. I named him Phil, after no one in particular, but even good ol' Phil is starting to get some colour back to his petals. ^_^

So there you have it! An unnecessarily long story to communicate a rather simple concept: dearest friends - it's never too late to make a difference! :D

Or, I suppose, it could also be a lesson to water your plants regularly. But that wouldn't fit in NEARLY as well with this quote I'm about to read to you! :) It is from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá:

Lift up your hearts above the present and look with eyes of faith into the future! Today the seed is sown, the grain falls upon the earth, but behold the day will come when it shall rise a glorious tree and the branches thereof shall be laden with fruit.

- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Empowerment. That is what I feel, personally, when I look at this quote. It makes me think about the significance of my actions and how powerful they really are, particularly now, in regards to my year of service. It seems to say to me that even if, in the present time, I may not feel like I'm doing as much as I could, so long as I never give up and continue making every effort possible to make a positive impact to the world and my community, with perseverance and love, the day will come where my actions will bear fruit.

How good are plant metaphors! :D

Anyway, that is my story for today. I am going in a few minutes to make my way over to some ScOtish country dancing at the St. Magnus Cathedral. :D Prett-y exciting!

My love to you all, wherever you are! :)

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